Raging Swan Press and Pathfinder 2 Support

I am delighted to announce that this week, Raging Swan Press restarts its Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 2nd Edition support.

We’ll have two Pathfinder 2nd Edition releases every month (along with our Pathfinder 1st Edition releases). Initially, our support will focus on the Wilderness Dressing and Dungeon Backdrop lines, but if demand manifests itself, I’d be delighted to expand our offering.

All our new Pathfinder 2nd edition supplements will be available at our own store and DriveThruRPG, and through our Patreon campaign. If you want to support Raging Swan Press’s return to Pathfinder 2nd Edition, sign up for our Patreon campaign and drop me a line telling me that’s why you signed up. To get our Pathfinder 2nd Editions supplements, you can support us for as little as $2 a month—a bargain!

As always, thanks very much for supporting Raging Swan Press. Good luck with your games.

Thank You

As always, thank you so much for your attention and support. We hope you enjoy our Pathfinder 2nd Edition releases and that you can use them to have more fun with your friends!