4d4 Chimera's Den

A horrible amalgamation of dragon, goat and lion, the bizarre chimera hunts to feed the urges of three monstrous beasts rolled into one.

Use these lists, to add depth and flavour to the chimera dens in your campaign.   

Major Lair Features

  1. A headless and fire-blasted corpse lies against the wall. The head is impaled on a snag of rock high above it.

  2. A pile of stones and boulders has been turned into a molten slag pile from intense heat.

  3. On a large, flat altar-like stone the skulls of a lion, a crocodile and a deer have been reverently placed.

  4. What first look like cave paintings are in fact the fire-blasted impressions of three child-sized figures.

What’s Going On?

  1. The chimera claws desperately at its goat’s mouth trying to free a trapped bone stuck in its chunky flat teeth.

  2. Scratching its head against the rock walls the chimera begins to shed the snakelike skin on its body.

  3. The chimera’s goat head chews lazily at a branch while its other two heads stare into the distance.

  4. The chimera lounges in the sun’s heat, yawning lazily.

Chimera’s Appearance

  1. Countless scars cover the face and mane of the lion’s part of this chimera.

  2. Tall spiralling horns erupt from both the dragon’s and goat’s head of this monstrous chimera.

  3. Lumps of molten metal are embedded in the skin and face of this chimera’s dragon head.

  4. Golden scales and horns, that scintillate in the light, adorn this chimera’s heads. Smoke curls from its dragon mouth and foam flecks its lion's mouth.

  5. A shaggy mane of matted black hair covers the head of this blood-covered  tan chimera. All six of its eyes burn with avaricious intensity.

Treasures to Find

  1. With the heads of a dragon, lion and ram this triple-headed flail is a fearsome weapon.

  2. This powerful silver, gold and lead ring blasts fire, rams its enemies with concussive force or summons a spectral lion on command.

  3. This torc of bronze enables its wearer to turn into a chimera but slowly turns them mad until they no longer want to change back to their human form.

  4. With wicked barbs along its blade this sword has a hilt forged into the shape of a dragon head.

Want More?

This article is an extract from the Complete Monstrous Lair Collection which is available here for immediate download. Alternatively, check out the 4d4 Archive for more handy, flavoursome and time-saving 4d4 articles ready for immediate use in your campaign.
