20 Things: Strange Magic Effects

As well as the mundane and the expected, dungeons can feature many strange or bizarre things. Adventurers delving into almost any dungeon are virtually certain to encounter and battle outlandish, alien creatures in the course of their explorations. They may also encounter any number of strange magic effects. 

Use this list, to add strange magic effects to your dungeon: 

  1. Every statue, bust and portrait in the area turns its head to follow the movement of explorers.

  2. All the portraits and paintings in the dungeon gradually change from one subject to another.

  3. Torches spontaneous light when someone comes close and extinguish themselves once the explorer moves away.

  4. Harmless cobwebs fill the area. Though they do not impede movement, they regenerate quickly after being broken or burnt away.

  5. Within the area, all who speak find the pitch of their voice goes up two octaves.

  6. Regardless of their fuel or source, all nonmagical fires within the area burn with a bright green flame.

  7. There are no echoes in this location, no matter how loud the sound or how spacious the room.

  8. A harmless grey fog, only about two inches deep, covers the floor. The fog is impenetrable to normal vision, and sometimes moves in disturbing ways.

  9. The ceiling is enchanted to appear as the night sky, complete with a twinkling stars.

  10. At strange intervals throughout the day, magical chimes mark the time.

  11. Along the floor and walls, tiny colourful mushrooms sprout randomly. They last only seconds before withering away.

  12. Strange veins of soft, pulsing white light run through the walls.

  13. All food and drink within this area, no matter what it is, tastes like fresh oranges.

  14. The entire area appears to be a living organism. The walls pulse steadily and a steady breeze blows back and forth.

  15. A light snow falls, no matter the season. Despite falling continuously, only a light dusting remains.

  16. Strange, but meaningless, glowing arcane sigils decorate the floor.

  17. No living creature casts a shadow, in this place.

  18. Living creatures can see their breath condense in the air, no matter the temperature.

  19. All shadows are mysteriously cast in the wrong direction, here; they point towards light sources instead of away.

  20. Liquids flow uphill. They still fall to the ground normally, however.

Want More?

The material in this article appears in Dungeon Dressing: Strange Things by James Graham and Mike Welham which is available in 5e, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and OSR editions.

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