Goblins of the Death Rune Maps

Goblins of the Death Rune Maps


This download comprises all the maps and handouts for Goblins of the Death Rune.


Cartography: Dyson Logos

About the Goblins of the Death Rune

The deranged Goblins of the Death Rune dwell in the old, flooded gnomish minehold of Glimmerstone. Obsessed with magic, the goblins hunt wizards, sorcerers and warlocks and force their doomed captives to add their knowledge to the tribe’s store of eldritch power. But dark things dwell in Glimmerstone’s flooded depths, and the goblins’ depredations may yet hold the seeds of their own destruction...

This System Neutral Monstrous Delve presents the magic-obsessed goblins of the Death Rune tribe, along with a detailed overview of flooded gnomish minehold of Glimmerstone.

You can get Monstrous Delve #02: Goblins of the Death Rune here, or you can read more about the Death Rune goblins on our blog here.

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