Cannibal Druid of the Scorned Forest Maps

Cannibal Druid of the Scorned Forest Maps


This download comprises all the maps and handouts for the Cannibal Druid of the Scorned Forest Dungeon Backdrop.


Cartography: Dyson Logos

About the Cannibal Druid

In his remote woodland lair, the cannibal druid and his pets grew ever-hungry and creep forth to prey upon the hapless travellers and peasants using an isolated woodland track. The increasing number of disappearances on the road have been noticed, however, and the story of a hunter who saw an old, hideously ugly man chewing on what looked like a human arm has begun to circulate through the nearby settlements. Something must be done, but who is brave enough to hunt down the Cannibal Druid of the Scorned Forest?

Dungeon Backdrop: Cannibal Druid of the Scorned Forest is available in 5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and System Neutral editions.

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